2024-2025 学年春季学期校内教师国际课程(线下) |
序号 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
1 |
G06000052 |
企业经营模拟 |
2 |
G06100192 |
多元法律环境财富管理与安排 |
2024-2025学年春季学期国际教师国际课程 |
序号 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
授课方式 |
1 |
G06100082 |
家族办公室理论与实务 |
线上 |
2 |
G06100162 |
创新与政策的商业分析 |
线下 |
3 |
G06100182 |
全球商务环境解析与管理前沿问题研究 |
线下 |
4 |
G06100122 |
会计信息系统 |
线上 |
5 |
G06000202 |
运筹学导论 |
线上 |

Course Name: Business Simulation
Course Code: G06000052
Teacher: Prof. Zhu Xiaowu
Course Introduction: This course is based on the theoretical foundation of law and business management, playing games within the rules, and emphasizing the practical operation of enterprise management. It closely integrates law and business management with enterprise operation practices by computer simulation software. Students form teams to take on roles such as General Manager, Production Manager, Marketing Manager, Financial Manager, and Human Resources Manager, making business decisions in phases according to market rules and competing in a computer-simulated market environment. After multiple periods of operation, evaluations are given based on the performance of the enterprise. The teaching approach allows for 24/7 access to the internet for learning and feedback through mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and other devices. Through enterprise operation simulation, the course cultivates students' understanding of law and business management and their awareness of rules, enhancing their comprehensive application ability of economic management knowledge, their ability to judge the operating environment and make decisions, their organizational coordination ability, and their team spirit. Students are placed in the position of top leaders to analyze and deal with strategic decision-making issues faced by enterprises, experiencing the "ups and downs" of corporate decision-making, enabling students to grasp the "tacit knowledge" in the market economy, and achieving the cultivation of students' practical abilities. This course promotes mutual development with the National Business Competition Simulation Contest (China Higher Education Society National Ordinary College Students Competition Catalog [Event No. 73]), using competitions to promote teaching, learning, and integrating learning with competitions. Through the study of this course, students have achieved excellent results in national competitions.

Course Introduction: This course is a general elective course offered to all students in the university. The purpose of offering this course is to enable students to master the basic knowledge of wealth management, the principles of asset allocation, and understand the concepts in various investment planning fields in wealth management through theoretical teaching and practical operation training, thus laying the necessary foundation of knowledge and skills for subsequent courses such as equity investment, fiscal and tax planning, and pension inheritance planning. This course is divided into eight parts in total: basic goals of wealth management, financial investment planning, tax planning, education planning, pension and retirement planning, insurance and risk management arrangements, real estate and equity investment planning, and corporate control and inheritance planning. Through the study of this course, students can comprehensively understand and master the core skills of wealth management under the diverse legal environments of the world's major countries. Meanwhile, this course is also of great help in enhancing international vision, improving professional English level and oral expression ability.
国际教师姓名:Yi Zhang

张嶷博士担任Technological Forecasting and Social Change执行主编、IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management与Scientometrics等杂志副主编以及Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics专栏主编。
课程简介:The course Business Analytics for Innovation and Policy is to systematically introduce the knowledge base (including key concepts, methodologies, and analytic tools) and research frontiers of business analytics, and particularly highlight its applications in innovation and policy studies. Real-world cases demonstrating the use of business analytics in informing science policy and entrepreneurship further extend the breadth and depth of the understanding.
Introduction :The course Business Analytics for Innovation and Policy is to systematically introduce the knowledge base (including key concepts, methodologies, and analytic tools) and research frontiers of business analytics, and particularly highlight its applications in innovation and policy studies. Real-world cases demonstrating the use of business analytics in informing science policy and entrepreneurship further extend the breadth and depth of the understanding.
This course is designed to provide a general platform to inform students the state-of-the-art techniques and applications in terms of data analytics in business intelligence, with a specific focus on innovation and policy studies. Specifically, this course incorporates tech mining and science of science as the key framework and packs a set of advanced information technologies and broad bibliometric indicators. Modern concepts and knowledge in science, technology, and innovation policy are particularly applied to interact with specific cases, such as technology roadmapping, technology deliver systems, and competitive technical intelligence. Aiming to answer “what - who - when - where - how - why” questions, this course closely engages practical cases, including emerging technologies (e.g., dye-sensitized solar cells), disciplinary interactions (e.g., data science vs. policy analysis), and global urgent interests (e.g., the CoVID-19 pandemic), and students will gain the chance to practice business analytics as an effective tool in empirical case investigations.
所属单位:Goodman School of Business, Brock University

个人简介:孙教授于 2013 年加入古德曼商学院,他曾在犹他谷大学伍德伯里商学院教授国际商务和跨文化管理课程两年。孙教授的研究重点是跨国战略、公司和业务单位战略、跨社会的制度相对性、比较企业制度、跨文化管理以及东亚的商业实践。孙教授拥有美国西部大学 Ivey 商学院工商管理博士学位、耶鲁大学硕士学位和南开大学学士学位。他目前教授国际商务和跨国管理课程。
Introduction :In recent years, the business world has witnessed unprecedented uncertainties that posed enormous challenges, particularly in international operations. This course helps to understand and address those issues in international business which include, but not limited to, cultural, political, legal, and economic environments for international operations, the agencies affecting international trade, the rationale and motives behind international expansion, the choice of entry modes, understanding of foreign business practices, and formulation and implementation of international business strategies.
The major objectives of this course are to help students understand the fundamentals of international business, to develop an appreciation of the unpredictable forces of foreign environments, and to explore how economic development, international trade, and international agencies (government and private) shape the ways business managers carrying out firm strategies in a global context. At the end, students are expected to understand the key concepts, develop managerial capabilities for critically analyzing situations and formulating feasible solutions, and communicating the situations and solutions effectively both orally and in writing, individually and with team.
The teaching method is a combination of lectures, case studies, class discussion seminars, and team projects, with the emphasis focused heavily on class discussions. Student preparation, presence, and participation are essential for this teaching method to work. Class preparation must go beyond descriptive facts, as we will not have time to explain or reiterate text information in the classroom. In class discussions, you must back up your arguments with the facts from the text or current issues.

课程简介:企业资源计划(ERP)系统已在企业中广泛实施,成为组织提高运营效率和决策质量的工具。只有当系统得到妥善的实施和管理时,其作用才能得到体现;否则,它们很容易被滥用,从而出现财务欺诈和隐私泄露等问题。本课程介绍业务流程和信息控制概念以及常见的 ERP 流程控制应用。课程帮助学生掌握如何对业务流程实施有效的内部控制,并在管理中为ERP 系统配套实施安全机制。
Introduction :
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have been widely implemented in business. These systems provide the organizations tools to enhance their operation efficiencies and decision quality. These benefits can be attended only when the systems are well implemented and managed. Otherwise, they can be easily abused to provide a pathway to efficient financial frauds and privacy breaches. This course introduces the business process and information control concepts and common ERP processes control applications. The students will understand how to implement effective internal controls to the business processes and the security mechanism to the supporting ERP systems after finishing this course.

课程简介:“运筹学导论”的主要研究内容在于利用有限资源(如人力、财力和物力),发挥其最高效能,以最经济之成本,有效达到目标。自从二次世界大战以来,管理科学不论在理论上与应用上,均有快速成长。最近几年更由于计算机之运算能力快速成长,使得计量管理技术日见普遍。本课程各大学院校有关管理学科多列为必修科目。然而,许多学校及老师对此课程之教学,仍以理论之介绍与公式之推导为导向,一则因为公式之推导过程之理解有助其在实务上应用与解释,一则便于学生尔后继续进修与深造。然而,对于初学者而言,尤其是非理工科系之学生而言过于艰难,以致无法充分吸收,而丧失学习之兴趣。有鉴于此,本课程以实务为主要导向方针,配合计算机软件 Excel 作为解题工具来解决实际问题,俾使学生对本课程产生兴趣,具有科学分析与解题之基本观念。
Introduction :This course will stress the use of personal computers and spread sheet-based optimization software (Excel Solver). The tremendous power and computing capabilities of the personal computer allow the student to rapidly solve and interpret the results of a given model. The results can be examined in the context of the decision problem and the model can be quickly revised if necessary. This course will particularly emphasize the "art" of formulating decision problems as optimization models. The student will be required to formulate, solve, and interpret optimization models for applications from various areas of management including operations management, marketing, accounting and finance.