The Department of Financial Accounting held a meeting for Daily affairs

2024-07-02  Clicks:

On June 26, 2024, the Department of Financial Accounting held meeting for daily affairs. The meeting was held offline and online. The meeting was presided over by Professor Xia Ning.

At the meeting, Professor Xia Ning first summarized the basic situation of our department for the current semester, and introduced our department's summer camp and teaching work arrangement for the next semester to the teachers. Professor Xia Ning also congratulated the teachers who guided students to win competitions recently. At the same time, Professor Xia Ning introduced and deployed the implementation of our department's target for 2024-2026, clarifying the further development direction of our department. Subsequently, Professor Yin Meiqun introduced the department's graduate admission work for next year.

Photo, Author: Liu Yue

Reviewer: Xia Ning

Audits: Xu Qing

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