Professor, PhD supervisor, Chinese certified public accountant. She has been visiting scholar at the Stockholm School of Economics, Aarhus University in Denmark, Hanken University in Finland, and Iowa State University in the United States.
Educational Background:
2002-2005, Renmin University of China, Doctor of Accounting (Supervisor: Professor Yan Dawu and Professor Wang Huacheng)
Career Experience:
2021.09 - Present, Professor, Department of Finance and Accounting, School of Business, China University of Political Science and Law
2007.07 – 2021,08: Professor(2009), School of Business, Beijing International Studies University
Among them: 2008.05 -2008.08, Working in Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee as the regional manager of the Accommodation Department.
Social Part-time Job:
Member of the Accounting Education Committee of the Chinese Accounting Association
Director of the Chinese Accounting Association
Research Projects
-- Research on the Capability Framework and Curriculum Reconstruction of Judicial Auditors in the Digital Age: Beijing Education Science 14th Five-Year Plan Fund(2023-2026)
--Research on accounting for state-owned natural resource assets: National High-end Think Tank Fund(2022.04-2022.12)
-- Social Network Media, Investor Emotion and Inefficient Investment: Beijing Social Science Fund (2018-2020)
--Risk Assessment and Prevention of “Belt and Road” Overseas Investment in Tourism Industry: Beijing Social Science Fund (2016-2018)
--Research on Risk Conduction, Risk Measure and Return of Value Chain Firms: National Social Science Fund (2014.01-2018.02)
--Research on Risk Spillover and investment transfer based on value chain :The humanities and social science fund of the Ministry of Education(2012-2015)
--Study on the value evaluation of tourism resources in Beijing City: Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Fund (2012-2014)
--Value Chain Enterprises Valuation and Value Management: The humanities and social science fund of the Ministry of Education (2008-2011)
Referred Articles
1. Meiqun Yin, Liyan Wang, Jidong Zhang, Jing Han. The determinants of the decisions between integrated and nonintegrated audits from the perspective of corporate governance,International Journal of Disclosure and Governance,2023,6
2. Zhang, Jidong ,Yin, Meiqun,Han, Jing. The Economic Consequences of Accounting Standard Transition in Hospitality Companies. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration,2023,12
3. Meiqun Yin, Jidong Zhang, Jing Han.Impact of CEO-BOARD social ties on accounting conservatism: Internal control quality as a mediator. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance,2020,April,Vol.52(02)
4. Jidong Zhang, Meiqun Yin, Jing Han, Rajarshi Aroskard. Why is asset-light strategy necessary? An empirical analysis through the lens of cost stickiness. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2019,10
5. Meiqun Yin, Lei Sheng. The Impacts of the “One Belt One Road” Host Country’s Endowments and Institutional Settings on China’s Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation Modes and Location Choice, World Economy Studies,2019,2(Chinese)
6. Meiqun Yin, Wenbo Li. Network Media Attention, Audit Quality and Risk Suppression: Based on Empirically Evidence from Listed Companies of Shenzhen Motherboard, Journal of Audit & Economics,2018,4
7. Zhang, Jidong, Han, Jing& Yin, Meiqun .A Female Style in Corporate Social Responsibility? Evidence from Charitable Donations, International Journal of Governance and Disclosure,2018,15:(185-196)
8. Meiqun Yin, Lei Sheng, Wenbo Li.Executive Incentive, Innovation Input and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Study Based on Endogeneity and Industry Categories, Nankai Business Review,2018,1(Chinese)
9. Paul Catani,Timo Teräsvirta & Meiqun Yin.--A Lagrange Multiplier Test for Testing theAdequacy of Constant Conditional CorrelationGARCH Model. The Econometric Reviews, 2017,3
10. Meiqun Yin, Min Zhang, Lei Sheng,Jidong Zhang. Do Employee and Asset Intensity in the Travel Industry Affect the Cost Stickiness of Sales, General and Administrative Expenses? China Accounting Review,2017,6
11. Meiqun Yin, Jidong Zhang, Fan Liu. Research on the Relationship Between Online Media Attitudes and Audit Opinions, China Accounting Review,2016,6
12. Meiqun Yin, Fan Liu.Social Network Media Attention and Audit Fee: Analysis Based on Wei-Blog Media Data, Scientific Decision Making,2016,11
13. --The Impact of Monetary Policy on the Quality of Internal Control: An Empirical Analysis Based on Shanghai Stock Market, China Soft Science, 2015,08(Chinese)
14. Yizheng Qiu, Meiqun Yin, Yongbing Xu. Business Ethics and the Second Agency Problem in Listed Private-Controlled Companies: the Corporate Governance in Ethic Dimension. Accounting Research, 2005,11 (Chinese)
15. Huacheng Wang, Meiqun Yin. On the Element System of Value Creation under the Value Chain Model: a Comparison with the Traditional Model. Journal of Management World,2005, 5 (Chinese)
16. Meiqun Yin, Guangtao He, Yan Zhang. From Value Chain Management to Value Chain Accounting: Construction about Theory Framework and Exploration in Practice. Accounting Research, 2004,12 (Chinese)
Published Books
--Value Chain Risk Spillover and Investment Diversion, Published by Social Science Literature Publishing House,2014,1 (Chinese)
--Basic Accounting Theory, Published by China Financial & Economic Publishing House, Jan. 2012, (Chinese)
--Cost & Management Accounting, Published by China Financial & Economic Publishing House, 2010, (Chinese)
--Value Chain and Evaluation, Published by Renmin University Press, June.2008, (Chinese)
--Computing Technology, Published by Harbin University of Engineering Press, Sep. 1996, (Chinese)
--Finance & Tax in Knowledge Economics, Heilongjiang People Publishing House, Oct. 2002, (Chinese)
Awards and Honors
--Best Ph.D Thesis of Renmin University of China, 2006
--Best Paper of 2015 Globle Chinese Tourism and Hospitality Industry Academia Cooperation Forum & International Symposium, 2015
Bachelor Level:
Corporate Finance
Master Level:
Corporate Finance
Accounting Theory